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 English   Dutch   Description 
 Example Client   Example Client  Demonstration/example client. Use loginname 'user' or 'admin', the password is the same as the loginname. Use 'beheerder' or 'gebruiker' for the Dutch version.
 E-mail Tester   E-mail Tester  To send e-mails from the client, you have to set up an e-mail configuration.
 Setup  Full installation of servers and clients to be used at your local computer. Use loginname 'user' or 'admin', the password is the same as the loginname.
Make sure you have enough rights to install a server on your Windows.
 Android-app  Android-app available in Google Play.
 Documents   Documents  Example documents for Microsoft Word.
 MS-Access ODBC  Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable. Required for Windows-versions that are missing the MS-Access ODBC-drivers.
 MS-Access ODBC  Microsoft Access Database Engine 2013 Redistributable. Required for Windows-versions that are missing the MS-Access ODBC-drivers.
 MS-Access ODBC  Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable. Required for Windows-versions that are missing the MS-Access ODBC-drivers.